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Resources for Dietetics Interns & Students: Interlibrary Loan


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Reciprocal Borrowing

Your current Oakwood University ID card allows you to borrow books from Alabama A&M University's J.F. Drake Memorial Learning Resource Center and Athens State University's library.

Interlibrary Loan

ILL Online Form

Oakwood University students, faculty, and staff may request books and articles from other libraries. Before placing an interlibrary loan book  request, please search the library catalog and WorldCat to verify that the Eva B Dykes Library does not already own the item you need.  For journal articles, please search Publications on the Discovery Page before placing a request.

To request an item, complete the pop-up form that shows on the screen in Access Options when you select Request this Item through Interlibrary Loan, or you may contact Stella Mbyirukira at 256.726.8389. Please give sufficient information for book and/or article requested.

Every effort is made to provide this service at no cost to you. However, there is a $15.00 charge for RUSH requests. Items arrive via fax or mail/courier service and may take up to 10 days.

Once you have been notified of their arrival, you can pick up interlibrary loans at the Circulation Desk. Return books to the Circulation Desk on or before the due date. Book loans may be renewed at the discretion of the lending library. Articles are yours to keep.

Dietetics' Library Liaison

Creative Commons License
Eva B. Dykes Library Libguides by Oakwood University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.