"Almost all legal works use notes for documentation and few use bibliographies. Any work using the author-date style that needs to do more than mention the occasional source in the text should therefore use supplementary footnotes or endnotes. " (CMS, 15.54)
N: 1. Executive Order no. 11,609, Code of Federal Regulations, title 3, § 586 (1971 –75).
B: U.S. President. Executive Order no. 11,609. Code of Federal Regulations. Title 3, § 586
(1971 –75).
P: (U.S. President 1971, 586)
R: U.S. President. Executive Order no. 11,609. 1971. Code of Federal Regulations. Title 3 (1971 –75): 586.
N: = Note
B: = Biblography
P: = In-text citations which are enclosed in parentheses.
R: = Reference List